September 22nd & 23rd, 2024
12 hr CE -$500
9:00 am to 6:00 pm
(Arkansas DOH & NCTBM Approved)
Instructor - Robert Gardner, MTI, RYT
Table Thai is an approved 12 CEU hour course in TX, AR and LA and also gives NCBTMB credits. This class is specifically designed to help licensed massage therapists learn how to use Thai massage on the massage table with ease. We go over easy to incorporate options from the Table Thai workbook and show you how to work effectively and use less hand strain while helping clients with back pain.
2 days of Table Thai massage.
The $500.00 fee for class includes the printed copy of your workbook and digital downloads of your Table Thai videos.
We cover portions of the Table Thai workbook and show you how to easily incorporate this into your table sessions with ease. This allows the therapist to save their hands, work more deeply and really help clients with aches and pains. We guide you through class and create open space for questions about massage, Thai massage and how we blend this healing art into our table work.
The class is based off of the Table Thai workbook and video series in the shop.
Register Here:
** You will need to bring a set of sheets, pillowcase or face cradle cover, pen, and pad for notes.
October 11th, 12th, & 13th
(Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
18hr. CE - $395
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
(Arkansas DOH Approved)
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
Accessing the inherent healing power of the body with gentle somatic touch. I am excited to offer these two very experiential trainings in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
These courses will grow your skills of Perceptual Awareness, Presence and and understanding of our Three Bodies: physical, fluid and tidal as well as how to access awareness in each field.
Here is a brief article that will help you understand what this beautiful practice is all about:
There are inherent, intelligent and unexplained forces that create and maintain the human body.
Every second, 10 million cells are destroyed in the body, and have to be replaced immediately and precisely, otherwise the body would explode or dissolve. There is no way to predict where the cells will be destroyed. And yet - every minute, our bodies continue to re-produce themselves and we don’t even notice.
When we were formed as embryos, we first existed as fluid dynamics - before genes and neurons, fluid dynamics impeccably shaped our bodies.
What are the mysterious forces that reliably create and sustain life? What goes awry when they no longer function and disease, dysfunction and pain take over?
These are the questions at the heart of the practice of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST). While these mysteries go unexplained by modern science, the founders and innovators in the field of BCST found that there are subtle fluctuations and movements in the body, and that when these movements (which are the expression of the Breath of Life as the Tides, also referred to as the natural biorhythms in and around the body) are augmented by therapeutic listening, patients recovered from a host of conditions.
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle therapeutic approach based on the Osteopathic discovery of micro-movements in the body. Through extensive experimentation, early osteopathic physicians determined that when this motion has full expression, many conditions improve. The name “Craniosacral” specifically indicates the importance of the central structures of the body including cranium, spine and sacrum.
At its start, the work was very manipulative, but later practitioners discovered that less and less intervention was needed in order to make substantial and also dramatic changes, and that creating a supportive environment so that the client’s system generates therapeutic change from within, was actually very effective. This more subtle approach to the work was called “Biodynamic” Craniosacral Therapy.
A skilled biodynamic craniosacral practitioner listens to the subtle pulsations of the system as the body tells its story. The body speaks through its natural biorhythms, micro-movements and especially through its experience-managing patterns of physical shaping. With deep listening the practitioner encourages revitalization of the inherent healing potential of the system, and supports the Breath of Life in the release of resistance patterns. This approach emphasizes hearing the health of the system and encouraging its expression.
Craniosacral Therapy involves gentle hands-on work that honors the client’s own self-healing process. The intention is not to fix problems, but rather to encourage the emergence of new levels of order in mind and body. Practitioners know how to recognize the presence of the Breath of Life in many levels and locations of the body, and use appropriate methods to support and nurture its natural expression.
You may take either class (Cranial Sacral I or II), they do not have to be taken in order.
You may call or text me at (501) 772-155l to register or for more information.
** You will need to bring a set of sheets, pillowcase or face cradle cover, pen, and pad for notes.
December 5, 2024
(date to be published in near future)
8 hr. CE (NCTBM Approved)
8:30 am to 5:30 pm
Instructor - Jen Hartley
Our 8hr in person class is $155 for early registration (10/1) and $205 after.
This class can be adapted for ALL types of scars (not just burn scars).
Scars can have a significant impact on the function of tissues surrounding them, leading to chronic pain. Effectively treating the scars your clients present with is a key component to delivering a comprehensive, results-focused massage session.
Burn Scar Massage Therapy is the leader in clinical scar treatment education.
In this NCBTMB/CE Broker approved 8 hour class, you'll learn:
How to identify various scar types
Precautions and contraindications of working with each scar type to keep your clients safe and comfortable
Appropriate modalities and techniques to best treat each scar type and provide the most powerful results
How to confidently work with clients who have both internal and external scarring
The mental and physical challenges that survivors face on a daily basis
Burn Scar Massage Therapy introduces safe, non-painful touch to survivors, helping increase ROM in contracted tissues and filling the critical need for compassionate touch.
Jen Hartley developed Burn Scar Massage Therapy and has been passionately sharing her knowledge with therapists for 18 years. She is a 50 year survivor and is deeply rooted in the burn scar community. She has won CA AMTA Educator of the year and is a CA AMTA Community Service Award Recipient .
To register for the online course or one of our in-person class dates, go to
9 hr CE -$200
(Arkansas DOH Approved)
9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Instructor - Krista Moore, MTI
This class focuses on a different way to massage clients by utilizing the side lying position. Students will explore the benefits and the contraindications for this position. While traditionally used for prenatal clients (which we will discuss) this class will provide you with a full routine or specialty techniques that can be used for the majority of your clientele. Therapists will learn how to utilize soft tissue release, trigger point, and counter-strain, pin & stretch, plus man any more techniques to address common problems such as a sciatica, shoulder pain and many more.
** You will need to bring set of sheets, pillow case or face cradle cover, pen and pad for notes.
Send Registrations to:
Body Wellness Massage Academy
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