It is the policy of Body Wellness Massage Academy to provide a safe, clean, healthy and secure environment for its clients and students. It is the commitment of management that all staff and students uphold the highest ethical standards in the practice of massage therapy.
Body Wellness Massage Academy does not discriminate with regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, gender, national origin, or disability.
Conceived in faith and nurtured in dedication, Body Wellness Therapeutic Massage Academy endeavors to educate its students in the concept of their individual wholeness of mind, wellness of body, and completeness of spirit. They are encouraged to take these ideals, coupled with their technical education, into their profession to achieve the best possible results in their practices. The comprehensive curriculum and standard for ethics are designed to encourage healers and graduate massage therapists dedicated to the healing process of the whole person starting with themselves and extending to their clients, their families, and their community as a whole.
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age before the completion of the course, be a high school graduate or have completed an educational equivalency, be emotionally stable and physically able to perform and receive massage manipulations taught in the program.
To apply for admission at Body Wellness Massage Academy simply fill out the an Application, supply the requested information, and enclose appropriate fee. You may mail, email or deliver the application packet. Your application will be processed and an interview will be scheduled. After your interview, you will receive written verification of your acceptance or non-acceptance. Applications typically require one to two weeks processing.
Students may enroll at any time after notification of acceptance into the Academy. It is not required that you start classes at the beginning of a quarter since several classes are available to you at entry level. For individuals who are not yet sure they want to commit to Massage Therapy School can take classes with no obligation to join the whole program.
To enroll, complete the Enrollment Agreement included with your acceptance letter and return to Body Wellness. Your enrollment reserves you a space in the class of your choice.
The maximum class size is ten (10) in order to insure quality instruction and to maintain an optimum student/instructor ratio.
The classroom is a serious learning environment in an informal setting. Students are expected to dress in a professional manner wearing black scrubs while in attendance.
All times, dates, and/or locations are subject to change dependent upon student enrollment. Body Wellness Massage Academy offers daytime programs. Classes in the 500-Hour or 650-Hour Massage Therapy Training Programs are offered.
100 percent attendance is expected in all classes. There are no excused absences. Because a clock hour system is used, all curriculum hours missed must be made up prior to graduation. Promptness is important. Consistent tardiness, as indicated on the daily attendance roll, is cause for concern and will lead to a consultation with the Director. Students are responsible for all course material and are expected to make arrangements with instructors to obtain information and skills missed due to absence. Absence exceeding 25 hours is grounds for dismissal.
If a student is dismissed an appointment must be scheduled with the Director to develop a plan for reinstatement. This will likely require additional course-work, additional payment, and delay in graduation. Special charges will be assessed for private tutorials and testing by an instructor. Instructors are encouraged to require tutorials when, in their opinion, student learning has been adversely affected by absences.
The Academy teaches skills for ensuring the client's comfort and privacy, including draping with sheets to avoid exposure of genitals, gluteal cleavage, or female breasts. Classroom nudity or behavior that causes embarrassment of clients, colleagues, or the public is not tolerated.
Because the massage therapist is responsible for assuring that his/her treatment space is safe for the client to relax and benefit from treatment, the overall attitude imparted must be professional.
Students are expected to maintain a mature, responsible attitude toward their studies, the faculty and staff, and classmates. Behavior as outlined below will be cause for dismissal: